We have been using CBN grinding wheels for sharpening our turning tools for years, and have found them to be a real asset. The wheels are electroplated to a steel substrate and factory balanced, which makes our slow speed grinders run very smooth. The grinding wheels have a full 1-1/2" face to use, and they don't need any dressing - therefore you don't have the mess of truing wheels and won't breathe the dust related to dressing wheels.
Now Available...the Premier Series CBN Wheel. "The next evolution of CBN material grinding wheels". They will be offered in two versions - the "HEAVY WEIGHT" for 1 HP grinders and "LIGHT WEIGHT" for 1/2 HP grinders. AVAILABLE in 120 grit; 220 grit; 400 grit; 600 grit in the heavy weight only. Also a limited number of Heavy Weight 80 grit wheels available - perfect for woodturning clubs, schools, or teaching environments where there is repeated regrinding or reprofiling of tools. Makes quick work of reshaping the steel.
D-WAY TOOLS introduced the first CBN Wheels to the woodturning community at the 25th Annual AAW Symposium - now are very excited to share our latest sharpening innovation. We set the original standard of 80 grit & 180 grit for basic woodturning sharpening, however these wheels are so efficient that we have adjusted the recommendations to 120 grit for shaping and aggressive burrs & 220 grit for general sharpening on a wide variety of wood turning tools. The New Standard in CBN material and grit wear.
Premier Series Wheels have been recently developed and thoroughly tested in our production environment. We have found that the extra weight makes it run true and eliminates harmonic vibrations.
Overall results are a smooth operating wheel with the highest CBN particle concentration possible. It will provide exceptional results in your sharpening and grinding activities. These wheels are an investment, but we're confident that you will never be sorry that you made the purchase.
If you are still wondering which grit...